Episode 10 – Emails You Just Shouldn’t Send

Conspicuous Podcast 

A series of weekly podcasts presented by Steve Cranston (Lilac Films) and Stuart Walton (Conspicuous CBM), released every Monday aimed at helping the local Staffordshire business community network, market and promote their businesses more effectively.

Episode 10 – Emails You Just Shouldn’t Send

Have you ever sent an email and then regretted it straight away or perhaps sent a sternly worded email that got taken out of context? In this episode we look at all the problems with using email as an emotive form of communication when you’re in business and what can be done to avoid email regret.

With Steve Cranston of Lilac Films (@lilacfilms), Stuart Walton of Conspicuous CBM (@conspicuousCBM) Staffordshire’s leading referral marketing expert and Sarah White (@Sarah_A_White) MD of MViron, Stone and Regional Director of Business for Breakfast Staffordshire and West Midlands.

Steve Cranston
Twitter: @lilacfilms

Stuart Walton
Twitter: @ConspicuousCBM

Sarah White
Twitter: Sarah_A_White